Research suggests that being grateful is linked to higher levels of life satisfaction, positivity and optimism, and my clients will tell you that it's something that I bang on about all the time.
One simple way of starting to implement this is to keep a gratitude journal every everning. If our brain knows that it's going to be asked a set of questions in the evening, it's going to start searching for answers to those questions during the day. This is called availability bias - a cognitive shortbut that helps us jump quickly to the information that we're looking for.
This is why gratitude journalling is so powerful - we start to search for things to be grateful for throughout the day, and our mindset gradually swaps to something more positive.
How to start a gratitude journal:
❄ Find a method that works for you - a notebook, in the notes app on your phone, telling your partner each evening
❄Find a time of day that works for you - I like to reflect on the day each evening before bed, but maybe it's your lunchbreak or thinking about the previous day over your morning coffee. Set yourself up for success and choose the most reliable time.
❄ Exery day, record three things that you're grateful for - these need to be specific to that day, so not generalised 'I'm grateful for my home and pets', but more individual ' 'I'm grateful that there was one can of diet coke left at the shop tonight' or 'I'm grateful that my dog came and sat next to me when I was in that really tough meeting'
❄ Set yourself a target - to record 3 things every day for a month, then 50 days, then 100 days - if you stick with this, this is enough time for the habit to compound and for you to develop a more positive mindset 🙂
If you're feeling lost and struggling to adopt a more positive mindset, DM me to set up a free call about how we might work together ⭐
What are you feeling grateful for today?